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Sports Betting Legalized in the US

The US Supreme Court ruled on Monday, May 14 that the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act was unconstitutional, therefore legalizing sports betting in the United States.


Originally, Nevada was the only state that did not prohibit sports gambling due to the hot spot city Las Vegas. However, other states including Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Mississippi are now soon to join Nevada with expedited bills passed prior to the Supreme Court ruling. New Jersey is the main advocate for this jurisdiction, as the state was the party responsible for tabling the issue.


In 2012, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie signed a bill that would hopefully bypass the PASPA law and allow sports betting in solely New Jersey. However, several NCAA and professional sports associations blocked Christie’s bill. In response, New Jersey brought the issue to the Supreme Court, and the debate began in December 2017.


The Supreme Court’s ruling doesn’t necessarily state that betting is completely legal, but that it is no longer federally upheld. Instead, the states now have the jurisdiction to permit sports betting as a legal activity. Due to the prior legislative action, New Jersey will soon be a state to participate in sports betting, but a state such as Kentucky is not.


Due to the ruling, the relationship between Las Vegas bookies will certainly and drastically dwindle. Due to the fast pace decision, and the anticipation of other states, more states will soon to follow and crush the Las Vegas bookmakers.


In terms of online, the act of driving to a casino or bookmaker to place bets will not necessarily eliminate online betting, but certainly take a chunk of its customers away. The original appeals of online sports betting were that it was a) accessible very quickly at ones’ home and b) it is available to everyone, no matter the state or legality of sports betting. However, sports betting in a casino undermines the complete premise of appeal b. Much like a library, a library, a younger generation will stick with online betting, due to its convenience and quick transactions. However, the older generation that is more familiar with casinos, sports gambling, and betting at a local area are more likely to shift from online to the casino or restart their sports betting entirely.


As betting becomes more available, so will the popularity of it as well. As this new generation of betting has birthed, there is an opportunity to recreate the approach to betting. With Sharpshooter Investments, sports betting can be carried out with the reliability of the prediction, as well as high promise for a high rate of return.

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